printable advent calendar activity cards

i made some new advent printables to fill your pockets! there are 24 altogether. a new design that feels fresh to me!
a few years ago i designed some cards for our advent calendar because i didn’t want to fill every pocket with gifts or treats — well the older arlo gets the less he’s interested in doing cute bonding activities with me, so i added in some kindness ones to really rub it in this year.

when i’m filling the advent, i usually go through a calendar and add the more involved activities to the weekend dates (i still always check in the morning before he pulls them to see what it is and if i messed up lol)
i’ll still add in a few little treats and a couple of ornaments here and there along with the activities, but i think this is a really nice way to establish sweet daily memories. i have another post with some ideas here!
also, i had a request for a blank version to write in your own prompts if you want, so i added those to the downloads too!