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    dream house : the mantle

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    i love a good fireplace, i mean it obviously makes a living room versus having like, a TV as the focal point. we have a fireplace in our apartment, but it doesn’t have a mantle. so that’s why i’m focusing on mantles in this dream house post! it seems like such a small thing to easily take for granted, but i’d love to have a spot for a couple of framed photos and a plant or 12. also, my mom got me way into mantle decorating for xmas, so obviously i’ve been hoping for a place to hang stockings.


    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    love the clean and simple styling of this one. [image]

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    the long off-center floating wood mantle, so smart and it looks so dope. [image]

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    i mean, come on. [image]

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfectdream house | the mantle | almost makes perfectdream house | the mantle | almost makes perfectdream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    more simple styling. [images : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4]

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    i couldn’t round up my favorite fireplaces without including ojai rancho inn. [image]

    dream house | the mantle | almost makes perfect

    and lastly, this has to be my favorite fireplace of them all. i love the simple white with the simple wood ledge mantle. GUH. [image]

    you have a mantle? do you find it easy or challenging to style? and do you rearrange often?

  • happy weekend

    Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

    yay, friday. this one is bittersweet for me because i go back to my part time day job next week (we’ve been on hiatus for over a month). it’s probably a good thing for me because i’ve been driving myself a little insane with all the free time. well, i’ve been prank calling my dad daily, not sure if that’s insane or not. thoughts?

    ⋅ i’m always a sucker for these.
    ⋅ i told amy i’m ready to buy one of these from her stat.
    ⋅ ok hands down – my favorite video this month.
    ⋅ omg, this house. it’s tiny, but someone should definitely get it.
    ⋅ i feel like i want all the bags, but omg now i want this bag.
    ⋅ a great read on finding your own creative voice.
    ⋅ in case you have sirius radio … 
    ⋅ love the vibe of this place (and all the wall hangings)
    ⋅ for all you almost mommies, i loved reading this.

  • diy easy leather laptop case

    diy easy leather laptop case | almost makes perfectdiy easy leather laptop case | almost makes perfect

    i recently bit the bullet and bought myself a laptop for my birthday — and it’s the best decision i’ve ever made. while i’m probably sitting in bed way more than i should be now, it really has upped my productivity level because i’m so much more likely to stay on top of email now! YAY. so of course i realized right away i didn’t have a case for it, so i realized right away i should just make one.

    i had a ton of this brown faux leather sitting around, but i thought it was a shade darker than i’d like – so i made a prototype. then i decided i didn’t feel like making another – so i’m sharing the prototype! and as you guys may know already, i’m not much of a sewer – so if you also don’t sew well, it’s all good! this was easy. my last piece of advice is to use faux leather. not only is it so much easier to sew, but it usually comes with a soft inner lining which seems nicer for your computer. and you should be nice to your computer.

    diy easy leather laptop case    |   almost makes perfectRead More

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    los angeles city guide

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    it had been about three years since i last updated the LA guide, so i finally took the time to do it because places close and new places open and i want you to trust me and like me!

  • 6 DIYs to do before summer ends

    6 last minute summer DIYs | almost makes perfect

    ugh — as soon as august 1st hits, i’m like oh there goes the summer. i know we still have a few weeks left, so here are six projects to make before it’s too late. because we all know that’s it’s so not ok to make summery DIYs once autumn hits, right?

    01. potato stamped tea towels by say yes
    02. diy hammock by the merrythought
    03. diy modern cooler by almost makes perfect
    04. diy patterned kimonos by sugar & cloth
    05. diy modern wind chime by dream green diy
    06. palm frond cocktail stirrers by a fabulous fete

  • happy weekend

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    we’re heading to utah today for a wedding weekend! i’ve never been, and sadly it’s looking like we won’t have much of a chance to explore whatsoever, so as much as i wish i could ask you guys for recommendations, i don’t think i’ll be needing them. but i’m excited! yet another week full of intense house hunting with no good news to share, but at least we’re starting to lower our expectations! enough complaining — hope you guys have a fun one.

    ⋅ pretty! and you can never have enough night lights
    ⋅ don’t be a perv. ok, be a perv
    ⋅ boys will just never get what it’s like to be a girl
    ⋅ GUH i wanna make one but i totally won’t
    ⋅ how insanely good does this look?!
    ⋅ want want want this so bad
    ⋅ this is really dumb, but yay we’re going to jamaica!
    last chance to vote for meeeee! MUAH

  • maker spotlight : the vintage vogue

    maker spotlight ~ the vintge vogue | almost makes perfectthe vintage vogue | almost makes perfect

    yay! today i’m introducing you to the lovely charlotte of the vintage vogue. she makes ALL SORTS of pretty things, but i first discovered her because of those lovely dipped trays you may have stumbled upon. let’s meet her!

    maker spotlight ~ the vintge vogue | almost makes perfectRead More

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    diy travel kit (+ free printables)

    DIY travel kit | almost makes perfectDIY travel kit | almost makes perfect

    so excited to share this very cute little travel kit with you guys today. my friend jaymee made herself this little set for a trip she took recently and i wanted to share it with you guys!

    because every time you’re on a vacation, you have no idea where to put your used unmentionables right? do i sound 85 when i say unmentionables? dirty panties seems a lot less elegant. anyway — jaymee designed this little bag for her laundry, and these perfect little labels for her travel shampoo + conditioner. and you can too!

    DIY travel kit | almost makes perfectRead More

  • tv shows to binge watch

    shows to binge watch this summer | almost makes perfect

    now that the bachelorette is over (WHAT?! i didn’t watch the bachelorette…), i meant, now that TV shows are over… i thought i’d share some of the shows we’ve watched hard. real hard. and they’re all streaming! yay!

    i wouldn’t recommend this if you haven’t watched or don’t love the movie, but if you have, then you probably already watched the show — so i guess i don’t need to mention this at all. ps i loved it.

    we loved season 1, but season 2 was even better. if you haven’t watched, watch. it’s so so good.

    i really don’t want this to get cancelled so i hope everyone can watch it and it won’t be. it’s super dark, super hilar.

    you already watched this?! well duh as you should have because everyone was talking about it. but if you haven’t, duuude.

    it took me a while to watch, and then i did and i was like oh why wasn’t i watching? best girl show since SATC. but boys actually like this one. (gid actually likes SATC just so we’re all clear)

    this might seem like a strange one on the list, but we randomly turned on an episode when we were bored one night and got totally hooked. it’s like project runway but with tattoos, which still might not sound that appealing but for some reason i am obsessed with this show.

    i recommended this on the last netflix roundup, but i still recommend because you didn’t watch it did you?! DID YOU!?

    well duh. a surprising amount of people have said to me “oh i’ve already seen all the episodes”, but no — when you actually watch in order versus seeing the last two seasons after jeopardy its a totally different experience.

    you may have heard me preach about how good this show is – well it’s gooood. it’s so cheesy and awesome and you’ve already watched it anyway so stop reading about it.

    loved this show. it got cancelled way too soon, but luckily they made a finale movie, so you can watch that and be sad.

    yes i am still a teenager apparently. this season was so good. everyone is so hot and they fight so much. highly recommend.

    another show i’ve already mentioned on here, it is so much funnier than you’d think.

    i’m now ashamed to admit i never watched friends as a kid. i watched seinfeld instead. well i watched it hard and LOLed so much.

    another show you already watched. but if you didn’t, you really should. it’s funny.

    i just figured i’d add it because i love typing apparently.

    another way too short lived show that at least you can watch in one afternoon, so that’s a plus?

    it actually took me a few episodes to get into it, even though i love him. but it’s weird and awesome.

    if you want to be my friend, you should probably have watched all of lost.

    if you want to be my friend, you should probably have watched all of arrested.

    ok, so i watch a lot of TV. i also left out a whole bunch of shows to keep this fairly brief (and some to avoid judgement). got any suggestions for me? evidently, i have plenty of time to watch more TV.

  • happy weekend

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    whoaaaa this week flew by. we have very little planned for this weekend which i’m stoked for – gonna run some errands and see some houses and that’s about it.

    oh and i got some very out of the blue exciting news! i’m nominated for best DIY blog in the bloglovin’ awards! i’m nominated along with some of the biggest DIY blogs ever and i’m kinda not sure what i’m doing on there… but wanna vote for me? love ya.

    ⋅ my new fave youtube video
    ⋅ a super useful chrome extension for us hoarders
    ⋅ ok, this is so weird. and so good.
    ⋅ been eyeing this dress for months, it’s way on sale right now.
    ⋅ i’m such a sucker for pretty cleaning products
    ⋅ is it weird to be attracted to paintings of men? because i am.
    ⋅ always need a new pretty excuse to be organized.
    ⋅ this is my newest bff, and she makes some dooope looking food.
    ⋅ loving this new print for the summer!