all things pretty : cleaning supplies

like i said in the reader survey, i want to change it up and do a new column to phase out the f21 roundups. if you’ve been reading this blog for a LOOONG time, then you might remember i used to do these roundups (like here and here) and i’m bringing them back!
i have this girlfriend whose apartment is insane. everything is tidy and gorgeous and corners aren’t filled with junk and it’s amazing. i asked her how she did it and she said that she is insane and makes it a point to only buy things that are beautiful and it takes a lot of research and money and time, but to me that means you don’t later want to toss things.
now that we’re packing and purging, i’m really focusing on buying smarter for our home — like no impulse buys. instead of running out and purchasing a cheap fan when it’s hot out, it’s a way better use of my money to spend a little extra to get a beautiful fan i’ll want to cherish forever. so that’s my new thing. and ps, i’m still going to read reviews on products and not to buy things just for the aesthetic but for function as well! i’m not totally stupid.
today is cleaning supplies! i hate cleaning, but maybe these would help inspire me.
Apartment Therapy had some great advice about a few months back, on buying for your home, “Buy for the life you have now” meaning don’t buy a new sectional couch when none of your friends ever come by to visit or don’t splurge on a huge dining room table if you always eat at the breakfast nook in your kitchen. This has helped me to keep my spending down and my house relatively clutter-free.
Who knew cleaning supplies could look so beautiful?!
We bought that dish scrubber because not only is it not an eyesore, it works really well and is biodegradable. However, when we got a replacement our cat had different plans–she loves being brushed with it!
Cleaning supplies are very important! I have a closet for my pretty cleaning tools and everything in there is organized perfectly. I don’t like cleaning but when I open my closet and I see all my cleaning supplies staying there so pretty I immediately feel urge to clean! Pretty stuff make my day! 🙂