easter basket ideas for little and big kids

easter is around the corner, so i wanted to hurry and get this post up for those of you shopping! i never celebrated easter much as a kid, but now i love celebrating all holidays with arlo so i’m all for it. since we’re not like EASTER people, i don’t buy much that is easter specific, but i included a few cute things.
first i did a little roundup for easter baskets that you can use again and again, and non plastic options for eggs for decorating and for hiding.
i also have a lot of cute items saved to my amazon storefront to check out as well!

01. a very cute set, natural egg dye and coloring kit ($14)
02. i love a little bolga basket for an egg hunt (and trick or treating) ($45)
03. wooden eggs with a flat bottom perfect for decorating ($16)
.04 super cute felt egg basket for egg hunting and easter gifts ($15)
.05 i love using paper shred filler for all gifts and you can reuse over and over ($13)
.06 pretty paper mache eggs for hiding and decorating ($17)
.07 a reusable mesh grocery bag would be perfect for egg hunting ($8)
.08 this baby bunny hat is a little much but it’s insanely cute ($32)
.09 another cute basket you could reuse for picnics and toys afterwards ($45)
.10 such pretty little easter egg tattoo stickers to decorate ($14)
.11 i wouldn’t buy these since i’m not that into easter but oh man they’re cute ($34)
.12 hollow wooden eggs aren’t cheap but you can use them forever ($34)
.13 we have paper eggs like this and they’re great ($9)
next are some fun gifts that are mostly not huge or fancy, just simple little gifts that i think most little kids would love.

.01 very cute little toolset ($23)
.02 a pretty rattan star wand! ($23)
.03 little wood puzzle with a bunny 🙂 ($18)
.04 some cute kids flower sunglasses perfect for spring ($9)
.05 cutest flower stamp set! ($26)
.06 a sweet wooden dessert play set ($30)
.07 if your kid has train tracks but not a motorized train, they need one!! ($27)
.08 for the kids with a green thumb, love this gardening apron and glove set! ($20)
.09 we love these pastel brush markers ($40)
.10 cutest striped bunny stuffy! ($65)
.11 and a crinkly bunny toy and teether for the littler ones ($10)
and lastly, i did another roundup of gift ideas for the bigger kids/tweens/teens!

.01 a nice watercolor set for the artists ($17)
.02 a pretty monikers game! ($20)
.03 for the graphic novel fans, here’s a make-your-own comic book set! ($20)
.04 a small and pretty travel speaker ($60)
.05 love this kids shampoo and body wash — they smell so good ($50)
.06 can’t ever go wrong with nice hand cream ($25)
.07 we love japanese candy kits, they are so fun! ($12)
.08 i sound like a broken record, but tony’s chocolate is the best ($23)
.09 some comfy bombas slippers in a fun pattern. lots of other color options, too! ($48)
.10 a pretty nail stick kit ($8)
In one of the baskets is what looks like a tin box with a face on it (maybe magnet pieces). Where do I find this? These are such cute baskets. Thanks!