
diy seed packets with free printable

diy seed packets | almost makes perfect

as i said last week, this week i’m going to share all the projects i made for our spring party last week! up first, i made little seed packets to go on every place setting. i thought this would make for the perfect little spring party favor – and duh. they’re so easy.

diy seed packets | almost makes perfectdiy seed packets | almost makes perfect

01. download BOTH the design AND the guide. load one piece of copy paper into your printer. you can mark which is the top for feeding to help you remember which way you’ll be printing. print the guide onto your paper (at full size).

02. once you’ve printed your template, carefully line up and tape four envelopes in the boxes. make sure you tape all three edges of the envelope that the design won’t hit (the top + sides)

03. load the paper back into your printer, and print the design instead of the guide this time.

04. carefully remove the envelopes from the printer paper, fill with seeds!

05. i made the design very general so that you can label on the back of the envelope what type of seeds you’re using. so do that! (and btw, i used a free stock image from the graphics fairy!)

diy seed packets | almost makes perfectdiy seed packets | almost makes perfect


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  1. Seed Packets are the best! We gave them out as favors for our wedding “let love grow”

  2. I know I’m commenting on a post from 2015, but I’m procrastinating, so I’ve been going back to posts I’ve missed haha This is such a cute idea! Now an annoying question- where are the scissors from? I have my kitchen scissors hanging on a rack and while its convenient to have them there they totally ruin the cuteness of the rack, but these scissors would solve the ugliness issue! haha Have a good one!

      1. FULLFÖLJA not fullfolja… it means to complete something.

  3. This might be right in my face (haha!) but where are the links to download the templates?

    1. In the materials list the word “Printable Design” is a hyperlink. Just click on it and it will go to the printable template.

  4. I’m kind of confused how you actually print on the packets! Am I missing something? 🙁

  5. Serching and searching for the download…

    1. Hi Corinna,
      You press on this at the top of the post “DIY/PRINTABLES, then go about three pages on…the seed printables should be there.

  6. I can’t find the printable…