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    pretty everything : cute travel essentials

    someone asked me to roundup some cute travel essentials and i was like SOME?1 HOW ABOUT I DO WAY TOO MANY?!?! i’ll add more if i come across them, but i think i found some really really cute and useful finds for any upcoming vacations you may be going on or just fantasizing about! enjoy.Read More

  • The Best Way to Find New Clients

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque luctus, massa quis aliquet viverra, neque purus malesuada eros, a luctus ipsum libero posuere orci. Etiam quis arcu ac risus tempus cursus. Pellentesque ut luctus nisi, ut euismod lectus. Nunc faucibus sollicitudin ornare. Donec justo mi, varius vitae viverra in, suscipit non dui. Duis eleifend ante eget erat imperdiet suscipit. Fusce rutrum tincidunt lacus, dapibus facilisis quam.

    Curabitur elit sem, imperdiet id dictum eu, accumsan et mi. Vivamus egestas rhoncus nisl, vel auctor magna condimentum a. Duis faucibus vel mi ac aliquam. Aliquam velit elit, feugiat nec pharetra ac, lobortis laoreet magna. Proin pharetra sollicitudin orci, nec suscipit enim bibendum lobortis. Mauris vel condimentum est. Nulla ac hendrerit turpis. Duis eu sapien lobortis, cursus nisl ac, lacinia neque. Donec at nunc et est volutpat venenatis. Nunc id consequat ex. Suspendisse sit amet orci magna. Morbi ante est, porta ac ullamcorper eget, eleifend vehicula mauris. Suspendisse non leo at dui aliquet pretium nec et leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut porta felis. Nullam venenatis a urna quis porttitor.

  • crispy olive oil fried egg with yogurt and olives

    this is one of my favorite things to cook for myself these days so i thought i’d share it here with you! it’s based on a dish i love from friends and family— my at home version is definitely not as good but it’s the closest thing i got because the restaurant is too far from our house. (their dish has harissa, crisp chickpeas and oil cured olives– it’s much more of a legit dish!!)

    anyway, my version is quick and easy and still really delicious.

    crispy olive oil fried egg with yogurt and olives

    my quick and easy take on a dish i love from friends and family


    • 1 or 2 large fresh eggs
    • olive oil
    • greek yogurt
    • kalamata olives
    • crusty bread
    • fresh thyme


    1. get a pan nice and hot, then add olive oil and carefully crack your egg(s) down close to the pan. cook in the oil while the white sets and the edges start to get brown, add a little more oil and you can baste the edges to get them even crispier.
    2. add to your plate, toast your bread and a generous dollop of yogurt. drop a couple of olives on top (you could actually cook these in the leftover oil from your eggs quickly, but i only thought to do this while i was typing this!)
    3. season everything and garnish with some fresh thyme leaves!

    IT’S SO GOOD. make bites of everything all together, it’s a very quick breakfast or lunch that tastes really special. hope you like it too!

  • pretty everything : so many cute unique coffee mugs

    i got a request to share some pretty mugs the other day, and then, as always, i got a bit carried away — so here are 19 mugs that are unique and special and would make such fun everyday mugs for your coffees and teas and cappuccinos and hot water with lemon and i’ll stop now!

    i use the grid mug with the yellow handle every single day and i love it a lot, i find it kind of comforting to use the same mug i don’t know why (tbh i have two of them that i rotate between). and fyi the yellow handle came off after some time and now i like the mug even better!

    k anyway hope you like them! just click on the mug to be taken to the link.

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    temporary tattoo valentines (of your kids art!!)

    this is the first year i’ve actually made arlo valentines for his classmates — and i’m so happy with how they turned out. a follower told me she was using temporary tattoo paper and suggested it for arlos art and i loved the idea so much i actually made it happen in time for the holiday!!

    (ps if you’re less ambitious, i did round up lots of cute valentines to buy here!)Read More

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    how we got arlo so into drawing

    this post is sponsored by SLUMBERKINS

    arlo is OBSESSED with drawing these days! like he’ll usually choose it over watching tv, it’s bizarre!! lol. i get asked a lot about how we’ve gotten him into it, and obviously it’s not all based on our actions, but i’ll share the tips i do have for making it fun and keeping him inspired.Read More

  • roasted sweet potato and cauliflower

    this is like my all time favorite veggie dish so i thought i should probably share it here on the blog! a lot of you on instagram have told me that you now make this as well, it’s not much of a recipe, but the hash type combo of the two is just so perfect and delicious. i could just eat this for lunch and be so happy.

    you could definitely spice this up more with fresh herbs, more spices, but i like it simple! Read More

  • my fave things this month | january

    so the past few months i’d been doing an amazon only list every month of favorite purchases, but decided to include items from elsewhere and share everything i got or loved or used a lot every month instead. i hope you enjoy!Read More

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    home tour : sophie carpenters insta-famous spanish bungalow

    this is a long time coming! sophie is a good friend of mine that i met on instagram, all because of her house! we bonded over our similar interests and taste (you’ll notice from her house! haha).

    funny story –the tile in her laundry room was originally mine for our main bathroom reno, but the color arrived more pink than i expected so i gave them to her!!

    sophie’s house is meticulously styled because she totally lives for it. but — she’s also a TV accountant! each room in her home is unique and special in their own way, and i hope you enjoy the tour!

    Read More

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    how to change the art on a frame tv (without the app)

    i have spent COUNTLESS hours trying to change the art on my frame tv because the app is complete garbage. the last time i got it to work, i literally spent 3 hours restarting the app, restarting the tv, it ended up working when i used gids phone because he had a smaller camera roll but man it was a real bummer. the app is always broken, so you gotta just bypass it! Read More