5 minute diy raw crystal magnets

diy crystal magnets | almost makes perfectdiy raw crystal magnets | almost makes perfect

a few weeks ago i was roaming around my favorite craft store and i noticed they were selling raw crystals and minerals for like a buck each. so naturally i filled my basket with them and decided i could just scatter them on every table around the apartment. but when i got home, i decided i wanted to scatter them across my fridge too! so i made magnets. not the most inventive DIY, but these make the easiest inexpensive gifts and favors too!

diy crystal magnets | almost makes perfect

all you have to do is buy some dope crystals like mine (i’ve seen them pretty cheap on ebay), and some magnets (fyi i saw pretty much the same magnets for $12 at the container store and $3 at home depot).

then you glue a magnet onto the flattest surface of your crystal. let dry for a few hours before magnetizing (not sure i’ve ever used the word magnetizing before).

i used a combo of hot glue and super glue to make the bond as secure as i could.

diy raw crystal magnets  | almost makes perfectdiy raw crystal magnets | almost makes perfect

ps i love crystals.

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  1. Lindsay-Jean says:

    THANK YOU! I have been trying to clear out stuff in my basement and I recently came across my childhood rock collection — I looked at them, decided I couldn’t just toss pretty rocks, and promptly set them right back in the “to deal with” pile. I’m so happy to be able to put them to good use!

  2. Ok Molly, you’re insane! I do a Let’s DIY post every Friday of my fav DIYs from the week and I try to switch up the bloggers to share the love. YOUR DIY projects are what I want to put in every week! Last week you had two that I wanted to add! I’m making these as gifts because we have a stainless steel fridge (no magnets). PS. I love crystals too.

    1. thank you shelly! that means so much to me.

  3. I love crystals, and every time I find them I want to buy them but never know what to do with them. I never would have thought to do this, this will definitely be my next craft.

  4. I’m OBSESSED with your DIYs and love this one but I went to that link and couldn’t find these online? Is there a search term I should use or do you know anywhere else I could find these?

  5. These are amazing! I cannot find these beautiful crystals online. Has anyone been able to find them? If so, can you share a link?
    Thanks a million!