the kids bathroom : updates

a couple months before arlo was born, we renovated this bathroom. then a couple months before izzy was born — i fixed it up again! my nesting phase has a real issue with this room lol.
i was trying to go simple, fast and cheap when i renovated because we had very little time before arlos arrival, so i chose a super inexpensive floor tile and after a while i realized i’ve never really been in love with it. i even considered painting a pattern onto it but decided to just keep it as is because it’s nice enough.
and i never invested in lights i liked either! i removed the big ugly sconces from when we moved in and replaced with cheap keyless fixtures because the ace hotel did it and i thought that was a very cool look 5 years ago.
my last not favorite element is the faucets— i chose them because they’re automatic so i thought it’d be fun to have them easily turn on for kids, which they are, but i wish they were rounded now! oh well.
so i decided to just make some simple swaps. a new rug to appease the floor tile sitch, new accessories and linens, and new lights that really changed the whole room for me!

the lights
wow what a massive change— the room just feels so much more modern and designed to me now! i would have loved to have moved the placement to have them hung a little lower but in the interest of cheap and easy, just kept them where the old lights were.
the light they give off is also so warm and cozy, i’m in love with them can you tell?

new accessories
obviously the new striped rug changed the room massively too — i spent months trying to find one i liked and my bff actually found this one and i immediately purchased. i love the stripes so much, it feels like even though it’s a very beige bathroom it’s more fun now.
it’s an outdoor rug — technically i don’t think it’s washable really but since it’s for outdoor i think we can just hose it down if we need to. i figured outdoor seemed like it could withstand a lot of kid.
we also got new towels and they are DREAMY. they’re so soft and now i’m kinda bummed i swapped the kids towels because i want them.
also swapped out the shower curtain. this one is a cozy muslin and it kinda makes the room feel softer?

then a few more little things — added a basket i already had to the wall hooks we already had for izzy’s washcloths. has proven to be very convenient.
swapped some art around the house and brought in this cloud painting that my little sister in law made. it brings me a lot of joy.

got a new towel hook and new hand towel, funny how something like that can also bring me joy when i’m not sure gid has even noticed those have changed haha.
not new for us, but also a while ago i added a little gallery wall of family photos here that arlo loves to look at. the best part is i can easily swap these out because they’re designed to be stuck and restuck to the wall, so when izzy gets a bit bigger i’ll probably print out some new photos to add.
baby + kid things
we obviously needed some new baby bath accessories and storage for arlos bath toys. the net is old at this point but i’ve never shared it here.
got the cutest green bath set which added in a little color to the very beige bathroom and got a wipes container to match. match!? who am i!? (it’s because i have a white one and wanted to be able to tell them apart i’m not sure why though haha.)
and a cute little stool that’s used as a table for now, but it’s an actual sitting stool so theoretically we could sit on it during bath time instead of the toilet!