diy faux ceramic napkin rings

diy faux ceramic napkin rings | almostmakesperfectdiy faux ceramic napkin rings | almostmakesperfect

we weirdly don’t own one set of napkin rings, nor did we register for any — maybe because napkin rings are kinda out of style? are they? who knows. anyway, i decided to make some! as you guys know, i am still loving the faux ceramic look you can do with polymer clay + glaze, so i went along with it.

faux ceramic napkin rings | almostmakesperfect

faux ceramic napkin rings | almostmakesperfectfaux ceramic napkin rings  | almostmakesperfect

01. condition your clay and make large clay balls (!), however many napkin rings you want to make.

02. roll out one at a time to a wider shape, as you see in the photo above (#2). then roll it out flat (#3) and wrap around your toilet paper roll to make sure it fits across. trim off the edges and roll back on.

03. gently press the overlapping edge onto the underlapping. then slowly and carefully remove from the tp roll. you can finesse the shape back to how it was once it’s off the roll.

faux ceramic napkin rings  | almostmakesperfect

04. bake according to your package directions. once baked and cooled, mix up some paint colors. you can see my napkin rings are multi-toned, this is because i was feeling very indecisive when i was painting, and kept removing and trying new colors on top of each other. i actually ended up liking the pinkish tones under the blue, so if you want that look, that’s how you get it.

05. water down your paint using actual water, and paint onto the rings. let dry.

06. using a tiny brush and black paint, carefully add the speckle pattern (or you can do it legit and actually thwap your brush at them. i’m too afraid of a mess to try that).

07. once dry, apply the gloss glaze. to avoid it sticking to the surface it’s drying on, you can continuously pick up and move them around.

diy faux ceramic napkin rings  | almostmakesperfectdiy faux ceramic napkin rings  | almostmakesperfectdiy faux ceramic napkin rings | almostmakesperfect

oh and hey did you see on instagram i started a hashtag for reader projects? so if you try anything out on your own, hashtag it #almostmadeperfect!

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  1. I am in LOVE with the glazes you put on this! It really does make it look just like ceramic. Gorgeous project
    Chambray & Curls

  2. I love these! Thanks for sharing, I’m going to make some. We love anything from polymer clay. Which type did you use? The pattern is awesome too.


  3. Janel Afjari says:

    you are a genious

  4. Vladimira Vrcic says:

    Do you know what glaze was used cause I am loving it too… 😉 Also, witch poly.- clay?

  5. How clever! I’ll be emulating this project in the near future for sure.

  6. I have never crafted with clay before but this makes me want to try! Your napkin rings came out so chic with the blue and black. Almost like a coral or beachy vibe.

  7. Molly,
    I have been an avid non-napkin-ring-user for years. Just didn’t get the point of them. Until today. You have changed my world view! LOVE these!

  8. Love this–the glaze really makes it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    xx Hannah //

  9. Pingback: 7 DIYs for 7 Days!
  10. I’ve made 15 so far. Only 85 left to do. Thank you for the easy to follow description. They look beautiful.

  11. Haha “thwap your brush”! It’s amazing because I understood the action you meant when I read it, but had to stop and think about it for a second. This is great!

  12. Did you use the full packet of clay for the 6 napkin rings?