BHG blogger awards

moon wall

i am so happy and honored to announce that i’ve been nominated in the best DIY blog category in the better homes and gardens blogger awards! i’m nominated among some incredible [+ big-time] bloggers that i totally admire, so i feel really great just to be included.

as you know, i don’t post photos of myself often, but i thought reminding you that i’m just a dork, who can’t seem to stand up straight or pose like a human, who really appreciates votes, might urge you to vote for me.

i wouldn’t continue with this blog if it weren’t for the amazingly positive vibes and feedback i get from you guys, and you always encourage me to try harder on my next DIY — because inspiring you guys to be creative is the only reason i do this. whenever i do a good DIY that gets a lot of love, i always worry i can’t top it and i peaked out. this happens all the time. but i can honestly say the more often you use your creative juices the stronger they get. so thanks for continually inspiring me to inspire you.


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  1. melissa wittenbaum says:

    Loves almost makes perfect!

  2. Congratulations Molly! You put together DIYs like a super-powered genius!

  3. Huge congrats to you! I’ve loved following along since I came across your blog last fall. Keep the modern crafts comin’!

  4. I saw your name on that list and was like “you go giiiiiirrrrrrlllll!” You so deserve it. And I love your dorky self-portraits.