printable oscar ballots
it’s almost time for the oscars, you guys! i’m actually more excited than usual, because this year — I SAW LIKE MOST OF THE MOVIES. that’s right, i totally did. i can’t tell you how.
the grand budapest hotel, birdman, nightcrawler + guardians of the galaxy
inherent vice (snooze), foxcatcher (snooooze), american sniper (ok, kinda meh)
whiplash (SO BADLY), selma, the theory of everything (although i’ve heard VERY mixed things)
imitation game (meh), instellar (like no not whatsoever, unless you liked it?)
ok so maybe i didn’t see that many, but it felt like i saw a bunch more than usual.
also – remember last year when i said i was the best all the time in the oscar pool? well that same last year, gideon demolished everyone. he got ONE WRONG. ONE WRONG!
oh and last also – don’t judge me on my movie stubs. i see a lot of comedies and a lot of horror movies in the theatre. and yes, i saw stepford wives in the theatre for some reason. but i’ve been collecting my movie stubs since i was a teenager and it’s really fun to look at them every once in a while and remember how i saw the royal tenenbaums — alone, 6 times, at the same theatre. (it was when i first moved to LA at 16 and i didn’t have friends or a car yet, ok?!)
NOW – to print these : print on standard 8.5 x 11 paper, and trim excess off top and bottom. i attempted to set this up as a borderless print, but most older printers can’t print borderless, so i figured we should all suffer. if your printer does print borderless, you can set it to print that way and just trim the top!
This is so much fun and a great printable! I always get together with a group of friends and we bet on all of this stuff – so this is super useful!
I never feel like i see enough of the movies but it’s fun to guess anyways. (But definitely more fun when you’ve seen them!)
x Kathryn
Through the Thicket
Thank you for that! I use them mostly for seeying what I still have to watch because I have no patience for all those commercials. But its very very useful!
Piranha 3D? Nice.
I LOVE all your tickets around the ballots! Also, Interstellar was one of my top movies this year and we loved Imitation Game too! I would definitely Red Box those ASAP!
that is so cool that you keep all your movie stubs. didn’t know that about you. I think Birdman will win best pictures, no question about it. I also think Best Actor will be a toss between Eddie Redmayne, and Michael Keaton. Best Actress . Best supporting actress Julianne Moore. Best Director – Director of Birdman. I had the great opportunity to see pretty much everything with the exception of Whiplash.
I hope to be celebrating the Oscar’s with you, my darling daughter Molly. Love and hugs, from your movie going mom.
You should DEFINITELY see the Imitation game; I was a bit sceptical about it, but I think it might be the best film I have seen. you won’t regret it, I promise!
I slept while I was watching Foxcatcher! haha I thought I was the only that got bored with this film!
thank you so much for sharing your ballot!
feel the same way. This year a saw a bunch of the nominated movies. Yay! I still wanna see two (Wild and The Imitation Game) before the Oscars…
Btw: I collect my movie stubs as well. I keep them in a box and go through them every now and then
it’s fun right?!
I’m seconding the other recommendations on Imitation Game – best of the bunch!! I’ve seen all the best picture nominees and I was meh about almost all of them except Imitation Game! It is not what you think it is….. O.O Benedict Cumberbatch is aaaamazing!
Oh, and definitely see Big Hero 6 – if you are into animated movies, I thought it was really funny and cute!
ok! you guys talked me into it, i’ll see imitation game!
and i’ve been trying to see big hero for a while now, heard such good things. thank you!
This is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
This is the so perfect! You always come up with the best stuff. (Also, I highly recommend Song of the Sea; it isn’t playing in many theatres, but it was the most beautiful movie I’ve seen in a long time.)
thank you kathleen!
a few days ago my friend told me we should totally try this this year. I’m kinda excited for the oscars!
LOVED interstellar!!!