
our playroom : before and after with amazon home

this post is in partnership with amazon home

the playroom is done! i am so excited to have this shared space, we’ve already used it a lot– and arlo has more than enough toys in here to keep him occupied while we get work done, i’m so glad to have it finished!

again, let’s take a look at the before… 

and like i said in the studio reveal post, when we bought the house it was basically just a large finished shed– we added insulation, drywall, two windows and laminate flooring. the space looked great but i didn’t use it much because for it was more comfortable to work in the house. so i knew it was a wasted space just sitting there collecting dust and cob webs (literally so many).

this side was mostly for storage and photography, but with the way the blog has evolved– i shoot a lot less “produced” photos like i used to anyway– so i finally spent the couple hundred bucks to install an AC unit to make it actually enjoyable and decided to donate half of the space to arlo.

we replaced the original metal pendant lights i hung in here with these rattan pendants from one of amazon home’s brands, stone & beam (they offer free delivery to any room of your choice and 30-day returns, no questions asked!) and we got an 8×10 version of the rug from the studio side! i gotta be reaaaal strict about shoe removal before coming inside.

on this side of the wall, i got this cute toy storage piece that we can keep pretty organized and hopefully encourage arlo to actually put his toys away in (crossing fingers). it’s a pretty long white wall, so i thought it would be fun to hang some of arlo’s art and swap them out over time. look how focused he is while playing…

the opposite wall has a little reading nook area, i love this little bookshelf and it’s only $35!! i got some cute books, comfy pillows and a few stuffies for his little cozy corner.

the little desk is just two cube bookcases on their sides (was very inspired by lindys playroom!), which are so great for storage– in each cubby i attempted to stay organized, one has instruments, stuffies, puzzles, etc. the canvas art above was a last minute addition– you know i love to paint big abstract shapes on canvas fabric, i just couldn’t help it!

and on the other side, i kept one shelf for storage here — it’s mostly art supplies, my magnet shipping stuff and in that basket on the top shelf, i have paper towels, spray cleaner etc. we have a fridge for drinks and a basket on top for snacks, and a little coat rack with cleaning supplies.

the beanbag is where you’ll always find me, it’s sooo comfy and arlo snuggles with me on it, i also got these floor chairs for extra seating because i know how much we have to sit on the floor in arlos room– and i wanted some back support for once!! he has a blast playing with them too.

this is the little music corner (complete with hanging disco ball lol). we break out into duets of ABC pretty often and i swear we were doing that right before he got up in this photo!! I SWEAR!

the balance board has been so much fun to wobble on, BUT ALSO USE AS A RAMP FOR CARS!!! he has so much fun every time we come out here, running from toy to toy and showing me everything as if i am not the one responsible for procuring it all haha.

i am sooo thrilled with how the room turned out, it’s not always easy to actually execute a room the way you envision in your head, so having a method to see everything together really helps which is why i love an amazon list— you can immediately see what goes with what. kids stuff can be really challenging design wise, but i was able to find some beautiful neutral pieces of furniture as well as toys on amazon (and obviously i loooove that prime shipping). amazon also has a really helpful feature called “discover your style” where you can browse through items to see what you like and don’t like– super helpful when shopping for a specific space like a kids room! it was sooo much fun to put this room together and i love how the two spaces are separate but flow together like they do!

you can shop everything from the playroom on my amazon list here!

photos by jeff mindell

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  1. alice schroeder says:

    I just love your style. Every piece is special. Even the way you display Arlo’s adorable artwork is perfect. I’ve always thought bright colors and shapes stimulate the child’s mind and curiosity but this room is playful, calming and functional. Beautiful! Thanks for being inspiring.

  2. I am in LOVE. Came to look at the canvas print. Stayed for Arlo’s masterpieces on the wall. LOVEIT.

  3. Love how this turned out!! Can you share where the white bookcase is from? Not sure if I missed it but didn’t see it on the amazon list.

    Thank you, and GREAT work!!

  4. So great being able to browse your Amazon list and add to my wishlist for future grandparent referrals 😉 Where are your overalls from please?

  5. Dream playroom!!

    Sorry to ask- where did you find that shelf unit with two bottom drawers??