our morning ritual with nespresso

this post is in partnership with nespresso

i actually get asked a lot about my daily routine, maybe because we all have no idea what we’re doing, so it’s nice to hear about someone else’s routine too! when nespresso reached out about their new double espresso blends, i thought it’d be the perfect excuse to share our morning routine with you guys!

i have expressed my undying love for nespresso before, we got our machine as a wedding gift and never looked back. we even put our regular coffee maker in the garage because we decided “fancy coffee” made our day that much better and was worth every penny. we honestly used to argue about who would get up and make a pot of coffee before we got it, and we haven’t had that argument once in 4 years now. so yeah, basically it saved our marriage.

nespresso has made our morning coffee twice as nice with the launch of two new blends and cup size: double espresso scuro and double espresso chiaro. with two variations in both dark and mild, the new espresso cup size lets you enjoy all the richness of the espresso aromas for longer. and nespresso is committed to reducing waste, so when you recycle your capsule continues its journey.

there is something so nice about having a slow morning, i am definitely not taking it for granted when i know a few years down the road we’ll probably be running around, frantically making the kids breakfast and packing their lunches and running out the door late — right now it’s so nice to wake up and feel no pressure to rush anything. we start our mornings pretty early and we are completely exhausted by 9pm every night. arlo isn’t exactly sleeping in yet, so it definitely helps to have a couple of hours to co-parent with gid before he leaves for the day.

630 AM : gid and i wake up a little before arlo does so that we can have some just a little time to ourselves. we get out of bed and walk straight to the kitchen to make coffee.

640 AM : gid is the house barista (and never puts up a fight now!), i check my emails while he starts up the nespresso. the vertuoplus machine brews both large-cup coffee and authentic espresso at the touch of a button. and every cup of nespresso coffee is topped with a natural crema.

650 – 7 AM : arlo wakes up and i nurse him (only for few more weeks!) on the couch while gid checks his email.

715 AM : we hang out on the couch with arlo, look at the window (his favorite) and play for a while.

745 AM : i cook arlo breakfast, usually a scrambled egg and some fruit.

8 AM : arlo eats his breakfast and i end up eating any leftovers to hold me over for another hour.

815 AM : gid makes another round of coffee, but this time arlo gets to watch (he’s obsessed with watching the entire process of it, just like when i use my stand mixer). we have our second cups and gid goes to get dressed for work.

830 AM : arlo bounces in his doorway jumper with gid while i take a moment to myself, once he’s ready for work, i take arlo and we say goodbye to gid.

840 AM : arlo starts winding down, so we do some playtime in his room before we read a couple of books and i put him down for his nap.

9 AM : once he’s down, i make myself breakfast before getting to work on responding to emails, brushing my teeth and doing 10 minutes of exercise (hey it’s better than nothing!)

i am loving our morning routine at the moment, especially knowing how every phase goes by so quickly. it seems like just a week ago i would lay in bed with my newborn blob arlo who would gladly LAY in bed with me in the mornings, but that ship has way sailed. and before i know it, this routine will be a distant memory too. ISN’T IT SAD!? HAPPY SAD?

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  1. Thank you for this great review on nespresso! It was really helpful!