my studio : the plan
before i reveal the entire house (i haven’t taken all the photos yet ok?!), i wanted to show you the studio in it’s “before” state. i think it was originally a tuff shed of some sort, but it was expanded onto. it’s about 300 square feet in the backyard and wired with electricity.
there’s a lot to do before i can really work in here — so i’m hoping to try to get this stuff done before the new year, but we’ll see how that goes.
insulation & drywall
only half of the shed is insulated, so we need to finish the rest of it off. i was hoping i could DIY this, but from what i’ve read online that might be a little more ambitious than i’m willing to be.
i really want a white floor, everyone i’ve told scoffs or makes other noises or faces — but ok at least i want it to be very light colored. i’ve been researching linoleum flooring and i’ve seen that you can buy sheets so it rolls out like carpet (versus tiles). this seems like the best way to do it so that it can be easily cleaned – i’m also going to leave my shoes outside.
create four zones
i need four different areas : work table, computer, photography and storage. to achieve this, i’m going to devote the currently finished side to working only, and the larger side for storage and taking photos. i’m thinking i want to create a floating table from one side to the other for working.
adding light
there’s one tiny window on the side, so i want to add an additional window near next to the door where i’ll be shooting photos. there’s also a 10 inch hole in the roof that we need to fix, so i decided that would be a good spot to add a solar tube to make it way brighter in here. i considered a skylight, but we now live in the valley — and that’s a bad idea.
i want the space to be really neutral and calm, so i want to keep it almost all white with some raw pine wood.
even though the shed has built in storage, i’m going to remove all of it because the shelves are way too deep and i think it’ll feel much bigger without them.
little details
in our apartment, i had a craft closet — with doors to hide all the clutter. i would just throw things in there when i was done working and it was complete chaos. to prevent this from happening again, i’m going to do open shelving with labeled storage boxes so everything has an organized place it belongs.
i also really want a mini fridge to be just full of sparkling water. i basically want this. i’m molly and i’m addicted to sparkling water.
i think i’m gonna replace the horrible office fluorescents with pendant lights.
again, we live in the valley now — so i’m going to need an AC unit. i really like the ductless wall mounted units that don’t take up any space and work so well.
tivoli radio (thank god for my friend howard stern and may he never retire)
birch shelf / drawer unit / rattan baskets / rolling chair / task lighting
sheepskin / rolling table / smeg mini fridge (in my dreams)
so this is the plan — i hope to reveal the updated version asap. have you ever finished a shed or garage? i’d love some advice!
I love all of the pieces you’ve picked out as a style guide. I can’t wait to see this come together!
LOOOVE IT! Im so jealous, I would love to have a space like this! I think you’re going to make it over beautifully. I totally agree about the deep shelving, it’ll feel much larger with it shrunk down. I can’t wait to see how it all turns out! Have fun!
i had never heard of solar tubes until this post!
what an amazing (and practical!) concept!
i can’t wait to see the finished space – i totally want one of these some day.
this looks like a terrific plan where you can create your magical DIY’s and continue your Blog.
Can’t wait for the finish photos
Sounds amazing I can’t wait to see the finished product. Looks like it has amazing lighting .
This is awesome
We’re in the midst of doing this with an unfinished space in the back of our garage so I am thrilled to see this great (and very timely) inspiration. Can’t wait to see it come together!
Solar tubes are amazing, seriously. My father installed one in my childhood bathroom when he got the house re-roofed and it had zero windows before (minus a tiny frosted bit of glass above the tub and into the master bath? the ’60s I guess) and now it gets amazing light.
This is a great space!
Your blog is great. I read a lot of interesting things from it. Thank you very much for sharing.