kind of scary movies that kids can watch

since i did a list of halloween tv + movies to watch with little kids, i started thinking about movies i thought my 7 year old could handle (he’s on the braver side!) and realized i’ve googled horror movies that kids can watch so many times i should just make my own list of what i’ve come up with!
obviously every kid is different, so use your own best judgement of what your kid can handle – but most of these aren’t too scary for your older kids! especially because the older ones have such terrible special effects kids these days would probably be like uuhhh that looks so fake?
this is coming from an 80s kid who had no parental supervision when it came to the TV, so i saw child’s play 2 when i was… 4? slumber party massacre 3, friday the 13th, all sorts of movies i had no business watching as a tiny little kid but at least all that trauma gave me my love of scary movies!
so here’s to encouraging our own kids to love scary movies, while being cautious with their feelings and comfort levels and without causing any actual major trauma/damage!

underground monsters, this really seems like a movie kids these days could handle!
where to watch: apple tv, amazon prime

killer klowns from outer space
this movie was on tv alllll the time when i was little, so i (and most millennials) have seen it many times, as children, who weren’t old enough to be watching it. it’s still silly enough, that i think it’s pretty kid friendly.
where to watch: amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

again, silly looking alien creatures that kids probably would laugh at more than scream at!
where to watch: tubi, apple tv, amazon prime

gremlins & gremlins 2 (the new batch)
my son wasn’t scared at all of either, but if your kid is on the less brave side – gremlins 2 is definitely more of a comedy.
(fyi – gremlins does have a reference to santa legitimacy!)
where to watch: max, hulu, amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

nightmare on elm street (or the sequels)
this could be considered pretty scary for some kids, but if your kid is a blossoming horror fan then i think they could handle it! freddy kruger was never scary to me as a kid like jason or michael were, BUT again, the sequels get so dumb and ridiculous that they might be way less scary for kids than the original.
where to watch: max, hulu, amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

the monster squad
forever a favorite! barely scary, but the perfect amount for a younger kid just dabbling into scary movies.
where to watch: pluto tv, apple tv, amazon prime

beetlejuice (1998)
there are obviously some creepy visuals in beetlejuice, but i’m guessing most brave kids could handle! arlo has watched but got a little bored last year, i’ll try again when he’s into it.
where to watch: youtube tv, apple tv, max, hulu, amazon prime

the witches (1990)
obviously this is a kids movie, but i’d say it’s got some pretty scary visuals for little kids! makes for a good starter movie!
where to watch: apple tv, amazon prime

little monsters
while this is very much a “kids” movie, it TRAUMATIZED ME! i thought the villain monster was terrifying and there’s a scene that one of his child minions disappoints him so he removes their head and throws it in a basketball hoop. i’ve seen it again since and it’s not as scary but when i was 5 it was too much.
however, i showed it to arlo and he didn’t seem the least bit afraid haha.
where to watch: tubi, amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

the frighteners
a peter jackson ghost movie with michael j fox! i haven’t seen since i was young but i never found it scary, the ghosts are mostly silly and i think kids would enjoy this one.
where to watch: tubi, peacock, apple tv, amazon prime

scooby doo on zombie island
i haven’t seen this, but i heard it’s surprisingly enjoyable for kids and their parents!
where to watch: max, hulu, amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

poltergeist (1982)
i think poltergeist is one of the best scary movies ever – it could be really scary for some kids, but i feel like they’re so desensitized these days they may not even think it’s scary haha.
where to watch: max, hulu, amazon prime, youtube tv, apple tv

the house with a clock in its walls
eli roth made this as a scary movie for kids!
where to watch: hulu, youtube tv, apple tv, amazon prime

house (1986)
another one i haven’t seen since childhood, but i remember house being pretty not scary whatsoever haha.
where to watch: tubi, pluto tv, amazon prime, apple tv

another netflix scary movie for kids (i love that they’re making these!) about a little boy who has to tell scary stories every night or he gets stuck in a witch’s apartment.
where to watch: netflix

8 legged freaks
another one of those dumb creature features that can’t possibly be scary for kids these days right?
where to watch: apple tv, amazon prime

scary stories to tell in the dark
just like the books were freaky for little kids, the movie has some scary moments but overall i’d say it’s pretty tame and could definitely be watched by some older kids.
where to watch: netflix, hulu, youtube tv, apple tv, amazon prime

ernest scared stupid
this was on the other kids list, but i’m including it again because while it’s an ernest movie, it’s actually got some pretty good horror tropes and scares, while again, still being an ernest movie! that troll scared the crap out of me as a kid!! meanwhile arlo loves it haha.