happy weekend

happy friday! i took a second glucose test this week (the three hour one…) and passed, so i am v excited about eating all the bad things to celebrate this weekend. we also have an 8 hour newborn class at the hospital where i guess we’re gonna learn how to do things to a baby or whatever. and we’re cleaning up our backyard after a very rainy winter messed up real good. how are you?

cats are nice so all you naysayers can shush! 

got this flatware set and i am so into it

how having kids changes your life

what not to eat at trader joes

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  1. While seeing this pic I Feel hungry. Nice post.

  2. Hooray! Glad you passed! I never had to do the 3 hour one! You definitely deserve something yummy after all that!

  3. I have a four and five year old, and only just in the past few months (YES, recent MONTHS!) do I feel “back to myself”….my girls are 15 months apart, so the first two years were gnarly. from one parent to a soon-to-be-parent, I encourage you to seek a good babysitter now (ideally a trusted and non-charging family member!). no, you won’t need him/her the first few months, but as soon as you’re comfortable, start setting up monthly date nights (more frequent if possible). so your baby time is slot #1, your husband time is slot #2, and you know where that puts “you time”……schedule that shit in too. you gotta schedule it or it doesn’t happen. your life is about it be Not Just Your Life, and it’s a wild ride….BUCKLE UP and ENJOY!