DIY woven wall hanging

DIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfect @mollymadfisDIY woven wall hanging @mollymadfis

in my opinion, the hardest place to decide art for is above the bed. but that’s especially true when you live in california and your husband won’t let you put anything above the bed because it’s not earthquake safe (i’ve talked to many friends whose husbands say the same thing) — so i came up with a solution! if this falls on our head during an earthquake, we’ll just be like MY HOW SILLY WE LOOK IN OUR MUPPET WIG!

i used this same technique to make the photo booth background for our wedding — and it’s sooooo easy, it just takes some patience. i watched many episodes of that LOVE show while i did this, which helped me not focus on how long it took.

DIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfect


01. decide on the width you want for your wall hanging, and cut your dowel down with your miter box if you want. the dowel i used is about 30″.

02. hang your dowel between two chairs or on a wall — it’ll make it way easier to work on.

DIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfect

03. cut a piece of yarn double the length of the height you want each piece. tie the piece using a larks head knot, which means you fold your piece in half over the dowel, and then bring both ends through the fold, like the same way you’d put a luggage tag on your suitcase. tighten and repeat until you’ve covered your whole dowel.

04. once you’ve finished, carefully trim the ends in the pattern you want, go long at first, in case. don’t worry about making your ends too uniform, they’ll end up looking like a hedge if you do.

05. to hang it, mark the wall on each side of your dowel with a pencil, and hang it by resting the dowel over the nails.

how to make a modern wall hangingDIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfect @mollymadfis

also, for those of you cat owners — i was positive this was gonna be a disaster, but our cats haven’t even noticed it. (knock on wood…)

DIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfectDIY woven wall hanging | almost makes perfect @mollymadfis

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  1. This is great! We are moving in a little over a month and have been thinking about what sorts of decorations we may want in our new space – I’ve been really inspired by yarn/fabric wall hangings! Here’s another one to add to the to-make list 🙂

  2. Love your idea! I also have the earthquake concern and wanted to find an easy DIY solution to make up for our lack of a headboard.

  3. What a great and simple way to add color and texture to a room. How fun!

  4. Very pretty! Where did you get your bed from? And do you have a wider shot of it? I love it!

    1. it’s from cb2! doing a whole room reveal next week!

      1. I knew it!!!! I just ordered that bed!

  5. The color of the yarn that you have used here is really nice. Have you done anything to these yarn strings to give that swirly look? It looks really nice that pattern, as a whole. I have seen similar DIYs, but they have very thin yarn strings attached to them, not bad but not this good. 😀

    P.S.: Your pillow cover’s tribal geometric print is so cool. 😛

    1. thanks dipti! the yarn came like that, it’s a yarn for baby blankets i believe, so it had a really cool texture… the yarn that i linked to in the materials is basically the same!

  6. So simple and minimalistic. 🙂 I think it’ll be perfect for a smallish bedroom like mine which i wanna spruce up without overwhelming the space.
    Also agree with comment above, really digging your pillow cover!

  7. Brittany F. says:

    Where is your duvet cover from?

  8. I love the DIY! May I asked where your sconces are from? Looking for some new lighting! ?

  9. Kelly Chau says:

    hey what kind of nail did u use to hang the dowel on? Btw love this, totally inspired to make this for my new room!

    Kelly / x

  10. Stephanie says:

    The length of this peice looks perfect how long is the longest section ?

  11. Hi Molly,
    The room is beautiful, I love everything about it. You have inspired me to do some changes myself…and so to the store I go! Also, your instructions for the Wall Hanging are very clear and easy to understand so thanks for that and thanks for sharing!

  12. Such a beautiful piece – thanks for sharing! Can you please tell me where you got the yarn you used? It’s gorgeous. Thank you!

  13. Definitely trying this soon! It’s so true – above the bed is the hardest! I’m always afraid of something falling on me also! Thanks for sharing! xo

  14. Hey! Looks great – I’ve been looking for an easy tutorial for a wall hanging and this is perfect. Did you use more than one of the balls of yarn that you link to for this project?


  15. Hi Molly! I just found your website through Pinterest, and SO glad I did! Your style is way up my alley, and I cannot wait to read more of your blog posts :).

  16. Beautiful, simplistic diy… but there is nothing woven about it. Poor choice of words ??‍♀️

  17. What type of yarn is this? I’d love to do this project this coming up weekend.

  18. Deborah Able says:

    This project is so seducing, but I wish to reduce “rookie” mistakes. Have you an estimate regarding the number of balls/skeins of chunky yarn required to cover a 30″ dowel?