DIY patterned vase

DIY patterned vase | almost makes perfect

for some reason, among all of the serving trays and candles and ceramic pitchers i own — i don’t own almost any simple glass vases. so when i recently realized that i bought one on amazon, and it was so cheap that i decided to buy a second one to make one cool.

so i came up with a super simple technique to make it patterned, by just using tape and frosted glass spray — which i was surprised to like so much. i also considered using white spray paint, but i thought this way would be a little more understated.

DIY patterned vase | almost makes perfect
DIY patterned vase | almost makes perfect



01. cut pieces of washi tape to the length you want — mine were each about an inch. stick ’em all over your vase, making sure you put them on really tight. you can also use any tape you want, but i found the washi was the perfect height for the look i wanted and was easy to switch spots when creating the pattern.

02. take the vase outside and spray — then let dry for an hour and then spray again.

03. after the vase has dried for a few hours, carefully and slowly remove each piece of tape with tweezers.

DIY patterned vase | almost makes perfectDIY patterned vase | almost makes perfectDIY patterned vase | almost makes perfect

simple and cool right? i really think the frosted glass makes it look like a legit product (that i would probably buy). careful when filling your vase with water, seems like the finish is a little sensitive.

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  1. Megan Spurgeon says:

    If you ever want to experiment more with this technique, Goodwill or likely any nearby thrift store usually has SO MANY plain glass vases for $! or less! Thanks for the lovely idea!

  2. I’m loving this! It’s something I had not really thought about before. You opened the door to so many possibilities!

  3. I love this! So simple and clean. Great as a centrepiece 🙂

  4. If you ever want to experiment more with this technique, Goodwill or likely any nearby thrift store usually has SO MANY plain glass vases for $! or less! Thanks for the lovely idea!