almost monthly 8/23

listening to: “what was i made for” by billie eilish from the barbie movie. i can’t stop listening because it’s like, always in my head haha
watching: bupkis, it’s so weird, but we’re enjoying it
eating: greek yogurt with breakfast and lunch — still on a protein kick and i eat it with eggs in the morning and with salmon or a veggie burger or chicken and butter lettuce for lunch (i mix it with lemon juice and garlic powder when i do that!)
wearing: my overalls again! i haven’t been because of breastfeeding but i feel the most like myself in overalls and it hides my mom pooch lol. these aren’t the exact ones i have but they’re very close.

this was a challenging month — arlo was mostly out of camp and school and poppy was visiting for a while and we are just so out of a rhythm, but at some point in life i’ll be back into one. arlo started school last week and the summer felt so long and so short.
it was our first summer that arlo wasn’t in preschool straight through, so obviously it felt much more like a legit summer break! and IT WAS LONG. but we had some very good times.
we capped off his summer break with some super fun activities, we went to legoland and spent the weekend in carlsbad, and drove to the aquarium in long beach (it’s the best!) we took him to a horror museum and finally let him get a ghostface mask he’s been wanting hahah. poor izzy! she’s going to be so brave!
our weekend in carlsbad was great, we just ate around the town (love campfire and shorehouse kitchen) and arlo swam in the hotel pool all day with poppy.
we also went to the magic castle one night and it was sooo much fun. if you live in LA and you haven’t been, find someone to get you in!! you have to be invited and you have to wear fancy clothes, so it’s a very special occasion for us. you can’t take pictures inside, which makes it all the more intriguing. basically it’s a club for magicians and there are shows, magicians all over the place doing tricks at the bars and a restaurant with very expensive food where every person is required to order their own entree haha.
we got our own special little show from this one mind reader guy blew our minds. he had me draw something and not show anyone and he knew i drew boobs (i’m a 12 year old forever.) he also said that i like things very orderly, but my bedroom is super messy (true) and he did all this other crazy stuff that isn’t worth me typing out because you had to be there haha.
izzy has been teething this last week and it was really gnarly! the worst she’s ever felt for sure. she was barely eating, sleeping a ton and smiling like 30% less! but today she’s seeming back to normal, except now she has fangs just like her brother did as a baby haha. i guess it’s a family trait.
she is also obsessed with walking and we feel like she’s definitely gonna be walking by her first birthday if her tiny feet don’t stop her!
i should be starting to think about her birthday party but i have a problem where i must procrastinate until i’m scrambling to go way overboard very last minute. i did decide the theme would be smiley face but that’s as far as i’ve gotten really! debating if i should do soft rentals if there are only going to be a couple of other baby friends there (we don’t know that many!) should i do it anyway??
i also bought her halloween costume, i can’t decide if i should share what we decided for our family costume or if it should be A FUN TOTAL SURPRISE. i guess stay tuned on that as well haha.
we also celebrated my sister in law with a lovely little high tea sprinkle in her backyard. she’s due in october with a girl, a cousin one year younger than izzy!

overall this was a very unproductive month for me, but i know i mentioned last month that i was kind of thinking about a move out of LA for us. well, we are still thinking of it quite a bit — it’s been at the top of my mind A LOT actually, so i’m going to write all about it in another post. gid made me realize that i was obsessed with moving after we had arlo, then i became obsessed with having a baby and now it’s back to moving, i so wish i could just be content with everything we have, but i can’t help who i am! once we move and fix up our future house, i just wonder what i’ll become obsessed with– doing a dollhouse!?
Love Arlo’s pajamas! Where are those from?