
how to make your own city guide

make your own city guide | almost makes perfect

you guys know i love to create travel guides, i find it super satisfying to explore new places and try to hunt down the cutest shops and restaurants while on vacation. gid’s not as into that challenge as i am, but he’s very patient.

you may also know i’m equally passionate about my own city, so i came up with a super fun idea to make a print version of my LA guide for out of town visitors. it’s a perfect little gift for special visitors, or perfect nightstand reading material for your own guest room (or even your airbnb).

make your own city guide | almost makes perfectmake your own city guide | almost makes perfect

i used blurb to create the book, and it was so easy. i decided the easiest way to setup the book would be to separate each section of the city into separate pages, and then categorize by category. i created the whole thing within the blurb website, but they also have tools to do it in lightroom or indesign.

i really liked the simple template i used, the design of the guide feels modern and hip and kind of like a fancy $19 zine i’d buy at a bookstore. which is what i was going for, of course.

make your own city guide | almost makes perfectmake your own city guide | almost makes perfectmake your own city guide | almost makes perfect

it’s pretty fun to be a tourist in your own city, so in order to get some photos i just had to have for the guide, i took a few weekends to go eat my favorite foods just to get a good photo. any chance i get to eat lobster rolls… (those ones above are from knuckle & claw… they’re my faveeee)

i used all iphone photos and i’m super happy with the quality! basically it was easy and affordable and i love it so i now think that everyone should just make one to have around their house. it’s also easier than having to come up with suggestions every time someone comes to visit.

make your own city guide | almost makes perfect



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  1. This is awesome! I don’t live in a big city, it’s more like a medium sized town. But even still, I’d love to make one of these because I love, love my town.

  2. This really cool. I want to try it. BTW is your book for sale or is there preview?

  3. I love this! I would love to make a few little city guides like this for my friends when they visit.

  4. I love this idea so much! I like to do this simple little printout, but this would be so much more fun!

  5. I love this idea! I’d totally be interested in purchasing one (or maybe eventually I’ll get my act together and make my own). 😉

  6. This is SUCH a great idea! Makes me wish I had more out of town guests!

  7. I came across this post after googling “how to make your own city guide”, and it was just what I needed. I have a dream to create the most perfectly curated city guide for my small-town. I have been obsessed with “The Scout Guide” for every city I visit.