chalkboard kitchen wall
i posted about debating doing a chalkboard wall in the empty space in our kitchen. well, we did it and i love it. here is the before shot.
those damn eye sores of outlets at all heights of the wall are now a little more disguised ( we removed them and painted by hand ) and you can now see a little pop of contrast from the entrance of the apartment.
i must admit we haven’t written anything on there since we painted it. i went through all the chalk curing the thing. but when we get some chalk – oh man that wall is in for it.
+ please ignore the dying orchid. i guess heat waves and no AC is bad for orchids. fyi.
it took us a good three or four coats to get it less blotchy looking and it wasn’t until we cured it by rubbing chalk EVERYWHERE that it ended up looking right.
Funny thing is, when I saw your post about possibly painting the wall black I thought the photoshopped pic was real..until I read the post
I think it looks great! I adore blak walls in the right space and yours is totally the right space.
Love it! Where did you get the tall white cabinets, by the way? I could use something like that next to my fridge to stuff some stuff in.