help me pick out dining chairs?

it’s been a long while since i’ve done any home stuff, but now that we’ve been married a tiny bit, we are wanting a house real bad. before the new house though, i got us a new dining table with all the gift cards we registered for (!!). unfortunately, our wishbone chairs are really short with the table, and now i’m thinking we need to sell our wishbones and replace with some taller chairs.

dining chairs | almost makes perfect

but i’m super indecisive, so help me and tell me which ones would look the best?!

01. kind of obsessed with these, BUT someday i kinda want a brown leather couch, and that sounds like a lot of brown leather.
02. black shaker chairs are totally in right now. and i love jumping on trends.
03. these might be just as short as our current chairs, but i love them. and i’m currently too lazy to measure.
04. the white + wood could look real good? understood?
05. we had these at our wedding, so they’d be a nostalgia chair for us. but they could also work outside someday.
06. lastly, my dad has four of these. i’ve claimed them as my own and been considering paying to have them shipped from boston for a few years, should i just do that?! (it’ll prob end up costing the same as a new set)

help! what’s your favorite?

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  1. Ohh so fun to be re-arranging your dining room! I am in love with those leather chairs, so beautiful! But #4 is also catching my eye! Cant wait to see how it all turns out!
    xo Nan – Simply Elegant Blog

  2. They are all simply gorgeous. I think if I would choose I would have to go with the #4. Good luck!

  3. Chair 2 is my first choice – it will never go out of style. Chair 4 is my second choice. Chair 6 looks more like office chairs. Good luck!

    1. thanks gail! yeah #6 kind of does, but i maybe like that about them! unexpected?! x

  4. First choice is #4 since would go very well with that table! The wood against the whites is a clean and cute look. For a second choice I’d go with #2! It’s your choice in the end, they’re both easy chairs to sit in and would fit in nicely with a homey atmosphere.

    1. thanks maresa! everyone likes #4, but i’m thinking it might be too matchy?! definitely looking for the homey atmosphere though.

  5. 2 or 4, whichever is most comfy. also, I’m guessing 2 comes in other finishes…I’d go for blonde wood or a color.

    1. thanks julie! i haven’t come across them in a blonde wood, i’d be all over that.

  6. That chair number one though…. love number three too if they are tall enough, then six, then five, then two, then four. Honestly, can’t make a bad choice with that lineup though. =)

    1. hahah that’s how i’m feeling!

  7. #1 is amazing–your obsession is very understandable. I can see why you wouldn’t want to overload on brown leather, but by the time you get the leather couch some day, you may not even want a leather couch anymore, or it might be time for new dining chairs. Not knowing the future is tough. I may be the only fan of #6 here, but I dig it. It has appealing-but-not-over-the-top 70s flair. I think it could be unexpected but GOOD, and I like the mix of chrome and cane with the white table.

    1. thank you brittany! i used to make impulsive decisions and swap out furniture annually, so i’m trying not to do that so much anymore and be happy with all the choices (at least for a while). i found out my dads #6 doesn’t have arms after all, but i also think it might look dope!

  8. I loooove #1, and I really wish I could buy them myself. #2 would also look great. As a note I have a knockoff #6, no arms and I actually use it as my office chair, they’re surprisingly comfortable. I think if you decide to go with a chair with less color contrast with the table, you’ll need something bold on the table, like a shibori dyed table runner.

    1. thanks amanda! maybe a DIY in the future?

  9. i actually have this table in walnut and i have it paired with 5, tabouret style.

    1. cute! i bet that looks really good.

  10. Hi,
    We have this same table for about 2 years and love it except it is about 1″ taller than it should be (poor design!). You really need a chair with a 19″ seat height for the table, while most chairs are 16-18″ 🙁 19″ is almost perfect if you are petite like me.

    The chairs we’re using right now work okay because we hammered in metal glider feet on the bottom to raise the seat height up a bit. A word of caution…we have Cesca chairs too and their seat height is too low. We have looked for reasonably priced chairs for 2 years and even taken samples of several different chairs home but none have really worked.

    Anyway we are seriously considering carefully cutting the table legs down 1″ so we can just get whatever chairs we actually want. Total bummer that West Elm shows the table with chairs that totally won’t work. Good luck! Would love to hear your solution if you find one.

    1. ok wtf. it’s like apple making products only compatible with apple. let me know if you end up cutting your legs down! such a bummer.
      + and i am petite also! which is totally the problem. i’ll prob end up using phone books.

  11. Amanda B. says:

    I’m partial to #5 because we have the round version of this table and put similar chairs around it.

  12. this is REALLY hard.

    we have 2 and I loveeeee them.
    but 1, 3, and 6 are pretty awesome.
    6 is so classic and amazing!

    1. ok i trust whatever you think.

  13. We have metal tub chairs like #5 that we are using as dining room chairs for the time being. I also plan on moving them outside or just having on hand as extra seating when we get something more long-term for our dining room. I love the way they add a touch of masculinity to our more feminine table. Hope that helps!

  14. No. 1 all the way! No doubt about it!

    1. they’re so rad aren’t they… ugh

  15. I like the white and wood but number 1 is definitely in the running in my mind!

  16. I like #4! Though I’m a sucker for wood and white everything 🙂

    1. i am too! but i’m worried they overly match!?

  17. A little late in entering the discussion but hopefully I’m not THAT late. I have the black Shaker chairs and I love them. They’re light, well-made and, in my opinion, reasonably priced compared to similar options. However, as the seat have no padding, it can become a bit uncomfortable for longer-than-usual meals/post-meal chats and/or someone not blessed with a more cushioned behind. (Of course, these issues can easily be solved with seat cushions.) But I am still a fan of my Shaker chairs – I think they are a great meld of traditional and modern as well as balance the straight lines and sharp corners of my dining table. Also, I think they’ll match your table very well and resonate with your aesthetics. Okay. Again, hope I’m not THAT late and happy chair shopping!

  18. 1 vote for an update dining chair roundup! i think it’s obvious w/ the number of comments on this post that your readers would also agree!!