DIY minimal soap bottles

DIY minimal soap bottles | almost makes perfectDIY minimal soap bottles | almost makes perfect

you’ve seen before that i like sticking stickers on things. i even have the nerve to call it DIYing. while setting up the kitchen down to every detail, i struggled trying to find cute dish soap (cute hand soap is not a problem), so i at first contemplated leaving the dish soap under the sink but realized that’s not convenient at all — so i came up with this solution instead.

the instructions are actually way more complicated than you think…

no jk.

DIY minimal soap bottles | almost makes perfect



DIY minimal kitchen soap | almost makes perfect

all you do is make sure your bottle is clean of fuzz and lint and carefully stick your sticker on! i did D for dish soap and H for hand soap but you could also do whatever you want. i love the big graphic punch of the large stickers i used, but you could also do a smaller sticker (more similar to the shampoo bottles), but to me these large ones feel like cool packaging so i am very in.

that’s it! i love them. i hope you do too.

DIY minimal kitchen soap | almost makes perfectDIY minimal soap bottles | almost makes perfectDIY minimal soap bottles | almost makes perfect

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    1. molly madfis says:

      yay! thanks jessica.

    1. molly madfis says:

      thank you andrea!! xx

  1. This is as DIY as I get and I LIKE it!! You’re right, the oversized graphic looks awesome.

    1. molly madfis says:

      just a couple final touches and then i’ll share!!

  2. Love this. Where did you get the bottles?

    1. molly madfis says:

      thanks! they’re linked above under sources. 🙂

  3. If you’re ever nervous about sticking vinyl letters on, try mixing a few drops of dish soap with say…. 3-4 cups of water and a half a cup of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle, shake well, and spritz down the back of your sticker. It’ll let you slide it around a little, then just press down firmly and dry thoroughly to set it!

  4. These are pretty, but am I the only super immature one who immediately thought of body parts that start with D to go with the H? No? LOL, ok, bye.

  5. Ooh, I was just thinking about more attractive ways to store vitamins and Tylenol, etc.; this would totally fit the bill!

  6. Very nice idea! Hey, what about a tour of the finished kitchen along with a list of materials? I cannot wait to see the final result of the full kitchen. It seems to me the most beautiful kitchen that I could ever dream of!

  7. I love this! I had just been pinterest searching something like this last week so your timing with this post is perfect!!

  8. How have the shower bottle labels/stickers held up since 2013?

  9. Oh your stickers look very beautiful! Maybe my friend sees your blog post and gives me these stickers 🙂

    Greetings from Germany!

    Neele of Modetrends 2017

  10. This is such a great idea and is so inspiring! I think these would make great personalized gifts and to make it even better, to create your own hand soap to go inside of it and give to friends or family on holidays. 🙂

    Kayla Peart | Designer
    Kaev Designs | Handmade Natural Gemstone Jewelry

  11. Can’t wait to do these in my kitchen, and maybe even for lotions in my bedroom. I see where your product links are, but any chance you could share where you got your kitchen brushes? Love.

  12. I tried this DIY yesterday, and it looks awesome 🙂 I have been trying to get my kitchen sink act together because my stuff has been accumulating. I had 2 sponges, a dish wand, and 4 bottles of soap (i.e. everything AND the kitchen sink) and it was all over the place–and they all mismatched. So happy to be streamlining it now.

    Thanks for this fun, quick DIY!

  13. sharon remacle says:

    Where is your utensil holder from? Thanks.