diy leather camera strap

diy leather camera strap via almost makes perfect

i read that the immediate sign of a non-photographer aka dork is using the camera strap that the camera comes with. well i don’t want to look like a dork. so i made myself one.

but the best news about this strap? it’s no sew and takes about 10 minutes to make. (it took me a lot longer to gather the materials)

diy camera strap materials

for some reason, i really wanted to do gold hardware. in retrospect, i think silver would have looked just as good and even matched the camera better. i say this now, because it is REALLY hard to find small gold swivel hooks. i went to three stores and searched the internet for hours but ended up buying silver ones and rub n buffing them and then spraying with shellac. total waste of time. if you’re into gold, you’ll have to do the same thing probably. if you like silver, all of the hardware will be a breeze to find.

diy-leather-camera-strapleather camera strap diy

step one // attach the swivel hooks into the d-rings through the small slit.

step two // with your leather strip, determine the length you want your strap (i used the strap that came with the camera as a reference) trim to desired length, keeping an extra inch or two for folding over.

step three // fold the ends over the d-ring and try to crease as much as you can. once you like it, liquid stitch and try to not get too much on there like i did. OOPS.

step four // clip it with your two binder clips on either side and let dry for an hour.

step five // repeat on other side. once dry, attach the small keyrings to the camera. told you it was easy.

camera strap diydiy camera strap

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  1. it is so elegant! absolutely love it!

  2. hi. love this strap. so sharp. Especially love that cool nifty camera. who in the world gave you such a cool gift. they must be special!!!

  3. totally making this strap,
    after i buy a nice camera of course.

    i love how simple this is! thanks for sharing.

  4. LOVE THIS. Great job. 🙂


  5. I love that your DIYs are so simple yet elegant and, well DOable. Definately going to make this in the near future.

  6. I love this and can’t wait to do it! Where did you buy your leather?

  7. Where did you find the leather strap? I cannot find any for this project!

  8. I love this! Where did you get your leather strap?

    1. thanks isabella! the leather is linked above!

      1. I’m sorry but for some reason I can’t find the link. Where is it again? Hahaha

  9. Where is the strap from? Did you link that and I missed it? Thanks so much! LOVE this project!

      1. Thanks so much for your quick reply!

  10. Hey there,

    what a beautiful DIY! I just did made 3 camera straps myself 🙂 In case you are making another strap sometime and you are in search for swival hooks again, I just cut mine off of keycords that I bought at a 1 dollar store. They are a bit smaller, super cheap and available in gold/silver and so on!

  11. Rachel Stauter says:

    What kind of camera is that?

  12. Thanks for share this article, it very useful for me.
    I look forward to your new article.