what’s been up

spring has totally sprung. it’s been super warm out and the flowers are pretty and the produce tastes good. we went to this really strange glow in the dark mini golf course on the westside a few weeks ago. it’s weird but totally peak if you live in la. also, the brioche donuts at lamill. now that it’s warm out, we’ve been frequenting our nearby taco truck even more than we were before. it’s totally unhealthy. and did you see the old herbal essences came back? i picked these up immediately when i heard. not really sure, but i think it’s making my hair feel even thicker – i don’t care. it smells just like it used to. and did i mention we’re going to france in june!? we’ve been using this app duolingo to learn a little french before the trip, it actually makes it pretty fun and competitive. also, been spending the last few nights watching breaking bad. we’re now on season three and i think it should be called breaking bald. how many bald actors can be on one show?


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  1. Hey! I’ve been using Duolingo to brush up on my French too!

    Just came across your blog tonight and I’m enjoying perusing your archives.