printable 2025 oscar ballot

apologies for those of you who were concerned this wasn’t coming this year! it’s here! the academy awards are happening march 2nd (which is still 10 days away i might add!) and as always, i’ve designed a printable ballot for you to use at your oscar viewing parties!
how i like to use them is we all mark what we think will win in one color, then mark the winners in another – you tally up the score of who got the most correct predictions and the winner gets nothing at all whatsoever!
this year i saw a whopping 2/10 best picture nominees! i bet you could guess based on me which ones i saw — anora and the substance. (i loved both, although the substance did go on quite a bit at the end there)
i sort of want to see emilia perez to see how truly bad it is because that penis to vagina song was incredible. how is it nominated so much?!
i would want to see the brutalist (very big time commitment though) and complete unknown but when there are horror movies to see in the theatre, how can i resist them?!
do we think i should start doing my own annual list of best movies of the year?! because my old ass and blink twice would both be winners.
and no i didn’t see wicked. i’ll see wicked when arlo makes us, and not a moment before then.

i changed up the design of this years ballot ever so slightly! i’m liking it, i hope you are too!!!
Hi! When are the Oscars? Thank you!