pretty everything: table lamps & floor lamps

i am OBSESSED with lamps these days! once you start putting them all over your house, you realize your life is better and you need them everywhere. just me??? it has become a favorite cozy ritual to go around the house and turn on all the lamps when the sun starts going down and now we will almost NEVER have to turn on the overhead lights either! lamp o’clock!!!
in izzys room, i added this cute little lamp with a dimmer (EVERYTHING MUST BE DIMMABLE). before that i got a floor lamp for our living room and a teeny little pleated guy in the kitchen. now i’m thinking our bedroom probably needs a floor lamp too?? lol.

it’s a real slippery slope but if you want to incorporate some lamps into your own home, i found some good ones! table lamps, floor lamps, wall lamps, why ever stop finding cute lamps?!
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