
new years resolutions printable (+ my personal resolutions)

(reposted from 2019)

happy new year!! i am not usually super strict or into resolutions, but this year i have a few on my mind so i wanted to have somewhere to write them down and try to stick to them. i’m much more likely to stick to them if they’re written down (like the bucket list has helped sooo much) 

i decided to divide into four categories, i thought that would help to inspire and it worked for me! the categories are sort of similar but whatever, you get the idea!

here are mine :


limit fries to like once a week
(it’s so much harder now because like everything i order for arlo at a restaurant comes with fries!!!)
do something mildly active everyday
(even if it’s just the 10 minute ab video on youtube i do, i think i can spare 10 minutes.)


try to stop comparing myself to others
(it’s the thing that drives me the absolute craziest)
grow my following, somehow
(without doing one of those loop giveaways lol) 


cook something new twice a month
(or maybe even once, but actually use the cookbooks i own and branch out occasionally from my usual salmon and chicken thighs)
do a giant purge!!! marie kondo everything
(i really wear the same things all the time and would do so much better with less stuff i don’t wear sitting in my closet)


2 hours of instagram max
(i set a screen limit on my phone and it’s been really helpful)
go to all the doctors
(i am really only good about going to the dentist, but this year i want to make sure i’m really on top of all of seeing all the doctors) 

click here to download the resolution list

(i designed two a page so you can print one for you and one for your husband/best friend/mom etc)

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  1. Hi! I love this! I don’t see a link to download the printable! Where am I missing it? Thank you!

    1. Molly Madfis says:

      another resolution will be to proofread lol! updated.

  2. Love these, Molly! Printing them now 🙂 Also…I feel you on eating less fries :/

  3. Great resolutions! I love that they aren’t too complicated – I am all about making intentions for the year that are attainable. One of mine is to replace browsing through social media with more reading, Do you use an app to limit your screen time on your phone?

  4. Your recently work was really good, and this is also amazing. I like it and I’ll share it with my friends soon. They are also our art group members so they will also love these things….

  5. HAHA, omg the loop giveaways comment! I always immediately unfollow everyone involved. #hardpass