glasses roundup

i’m in the market for new prescription glasses. i don’t wear them for much besides night driving, working, and watching tv – but my current ones are missing the arms and the lenses are all scratched up.

i ordered the five pairs from warby parker for at home try on – and as much as i like the company and the glasses in theory, none of them look good on me. actually they all look i drew glasses on my face. i’ve rounded up my favorites. the truth is – i think i just hate the way i look in glasses, but these all seem cute.glasses roundup

01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05

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  1. These are so cute! I know what you’re saying though, I hate the way I look in glasses. I like the glasses that I own, but I didn’t need glasses until a few years ago so I just can’t get adjusted to seeing myself with them. At least the try-ons are free!

    1. + i know – i’m fine with the try ons, but then buying the actual glasses never happens!

  2. I wore contact lenses for years and only wore my glasses at home. I didn’t like the way I looked with them at all. Then my boyfriend helped me pick out a pair two years ago and I’ve only worn my contacts a few times since then. I just needed someone else than my mom to guide me šŸ™‚

  3. I am the same exact way! I love the thought of looking cute in glasses (like everyone else in the world), but in all reality I just look silly (or at least I think so). I definitely sympathize

    xx Alecia

    1. what’s with that?!?!

  4. #3 & 4 are my faves! but they are all adorable! I wear contacts and then glasses at night…mine are currently about to break in half so I might have to look into all of these as well! šŸ™‚

    xo, Courtney

  5. I just tried some from Rivet and Sway and they were pretty dang adorable. You can order up to three for home try on. I didn’t dig the Warby Parker ones I tried either.

    1. ooo thank you! i’ll check them out!