father’s day fill-in-the-blank printable

i always love a fill-in-the-blank for my son to fill out – and i thought a father’s day one could be so fun and sweet. no matter what age your kids are, whether they can write themselves or not, these are always cute. i did simple prompts that can be totally sappy or totally silly (probably depending on your kids ages).
and yes before you ask – i will repurpose this for mother’s day as well! promise!
when to use this printable
if you’re looking for a sentimental way to show your dads or spouses you care on father’s day gift – this would be a perfect little addition to whatever you’re gifting them or just something sweet all on it’s own.
i like a fill-in-the-blank versus a typical father’s day card, because the prompts encourage a little more creativity and tapping into what they love about their dad rather than just writing “i love you daddy” etc!
ps if you’re looking for a good father’s day gift idea – here’s the link for this years gift guide.
how to print
click below to access the printable in a new browser window. for best results, do not print directly from the browser window!
right click to save to your computer directly, then open the file from your finder and print from there.
i designed this to be standard paper size 8.5×11″, but you could also print it smaller and cut it out if you want it to be a little less large! just choose to print at a smaller scale (less than 100%) and cut out to your liking.
i like to print my more special things on cardstock, which is thicker than standard copy paper, but you can print on any paper you’d like.