diy glowing ghosts

tomato cage ghosts are all the rage right now — but we came up with a fun spin to make their eyes lit up! it makes it extra spooooky especially at night. sorry i didn’t take a photo of said night but i’m sure you can take my word for it.

we had these lights already because gid just got them for sticking in random stuff for halloween haha — they are small battery powered lantern lights that are perfect for this, because you can screw them to turn them on and off but the batteries actually last for so long.
i also just used our actual sheets without cutting them up because a. i want to use them again and didn’t want to ruin my sheets or go buy something and b. actual ghosts always use full bed sheets duh.
i’m hoping we can use these year after year and honestly the fact that they won’t have fabric on them means they probably will end up a lot less gross in our garage by next year.
tomato cageS
craft ball (ours are 7.6″ diameter)
LED mini lantern lights
white sheet
01. plop your foam ball right on top of the tomato cage (upside down!)
02. carve small holes into the face where you want to stick the eyes. stick the lights into the holes and screw them to turn them on!
03. cover with some bedsheets and go startle someone!