how to make perfect scrambled eggs
this is a post very close to my heart. i am an egg person and always have been, i like them prepared all the ways, on top of all the things, i will never say no to any egg ever. my friend shoshana is a pro and has always made my all time favorite scrambled eggs, so i asked her to share her tricks. and i am so excited to now share them with you!
i’ve teamed up with made in cookware, if you haven’t heard of them — you should, right now! they make premium cookware that is affordable and so nice to use, and you know i’m a sucker for pretty packaging, they’ve got it. it’s the only hip line of cookware i’ve seen, so obviously i love it. sometimes you forget there are other options besides the big box and department stores for buying cookware, but made in is higher quality for a lower price than a lot of what i’ve used and owned in the past.
DIY pickling kit gift box
ok, i’ve got the easiest holiday gift idea for you ever! if you were thinking how cute it would be to make homemade pickles or jam for all your neighbors, but realize you don’t have that kind of time — this is the next best thing. and perhaps way more fun for them.
instead, make them a DIY kit to do it themselves! i’ve teamed up with NEWELL BRANDS, MAKERS OF BALL® FRESH PRESERVING PRODUCTS again, to create this simple cute little kit perfect for holiday gifting. Read More
babys first holiday
it’s funny how this time last year i was pregnant and soooo excited (i was still first trimester and just popping, so it was all still so new exciting), we were daydreaming about how this time next year we’d be doing all the same things but with a baby in tow. and now it’s here!
i think you may know this already, but even though i’m jew-ish, we are a total christmas family. i loooove christmas everything, we always get a tree and i play christmas music the whole month of december and watch the christmas movies and basically just drink the christmas kool-aid. so i’m so excited for arlo’s first christmas, even though he won’t actually know what’s going on whatsoever, it’s special for us lol. so i teamed up with shutterfly to create all sorts of things to commemorate!
holiday gift guide : for the entertainer
making these gift guides over the years is always a favorite for me, but it’s also v bad for me at the same time, because i end up wanting everything. literally everything! i guess that’s the idea but man it’s so hard to keep myself from adding it all to my cart. Read More
arlo : five months
arlo is such a big boy now. literally he is a huge giant baby, but he’s also so mature and different compared to his newborn days. he’s perfecting his giggling, right now we have to usually work pretty hard to get him into a true laughing fit, always having to come up with new bit after new bit — so i’m looking forward to when he laughs constantly and i don’t have to work so hard! (although sometimes i’ll just be talking to gid and he cracks up randomly, which is my fave) Read More
holiday gift guide : for the jetsetter
for the travel obsessed wanderlust-ing perpetually jet-lagged friend who is just never home… some TSA friendly gifts!Read More
our cat adoption stories (and paying it forward)
i’ve teamed up with HP again, this time they asked me to reflect on a moment that has inspired my life, and to give back to my community in return! especially this time of year, it’s so easy to focus on the material, of course, so it feels so good to take a moment to sway and help out in other ways.
when i had the chance to reflect, i immediately thought about operation adopt, where i adopted rocky two years ago. they are such a great organization and you can quickly see how much they truly care about their animals. since moving to the valley two years ago, i definitely feel more of a sense of community than i did in the city — which is a really nice feeling! my dry cleaner knows my name. just thought you should know. the sense of community is strong here and i’m happy to have a part in it.Read More
our house is so smart now
for real. i am so excited about this post! ever since fixing up the studio, i have always made a point to go out and do as much work as i can — but i’ve always had one major problem. the wifi signal is the worst. like as in, it basically has never worked. it takes forever to even load emails, so you can imagine how that affects my productivity, especially when i’m on the clock with the babysitter here. i talked to my much more tech-savvy brother a zillion times about solutions, but didn’t want to spend a ton of money or time or energy on it so i just gave up on the idea of using the internet out there. the irony is not lost on me that my job is working on the internet.
but all that has changed, because i’m so psyched to partner with samsung today about the samsung connect home. it’s a mesh wi-fi system, which makes such a huge improvement to our signal. we used to get so annoyed when we couldn’t stream movies and we’d call the internet company to complain relentlessly, but not anymore! our signal has been so great, but most importantly — i can totally work in the studio now, no problem. i’ve been sitting out there responding to emails, listening to music, streaming episodes of friends, just going crazy basically. living that good wi-fi life.
holiday gift guide : for the homebody
the gift guide for my category of people! here are some cozy gift ideas for cozy times at home for cozy loving people. cozy!
holiday gift guide : for the cook
you thought i was gonna skip gift guides this year, didn’t you?! yeah i did too. but then i decided i could work on them on my phone while i rock arlo, so here we are. Read More