our birthday week. yes i said week.

gideon and i share a birthday week, so while i dread the constant celebrating prior to it happening, the entire week of birthday is actually pretty fun. i’m on hiatus from work right now so we had nothing to do but party.

on my birthday, we went to my favorite spot figaro bistrot where most of the food is just … fine, but i’ve been going since i was a kid and love it. we had croissants (which are the closest to french ones in my opinion) and huge cafes.

we then spent the day finishing orange is the new black. if you haven’t watched it yet – it’s amazing. watch it right now! then we went to the movies to see the conjuring (meh) and had oysters and dinner at another favorite, the hungry cat. we tried something new there – the lamb and clams. omg good.

next we celebrated with my family at my moms house for dinner and had a great cake from lark bakery.

any cat lady would be ecstatic to have their cats being in the spotlight, a friend of a friend is starting up a cat photography business so he came over to shoot ours. i was loving it.

oh bodhi. his face makes me so happy.

for gideon’s birthday we went to dave and busters and drank beer and played a ton of games.

we then cooked for our weekend picnic. i made pasta salad and he made cole slaw.

unfortunately – i was way too busy having a blast during our picnic to remember to take photos. there was a TON of food. i wish you could see it.

we played wiffle ball and charades and ate and drank and didn’t go home until 830pm. we didn’t even pack up until the sprinklers went off and everyone had to run.

oh – and we went to a wedding at the la arboretum and saw a million peacocks up close.

+ BTW thank you for the birthday comments last week. i had a really hard time responding to them because they were so thoughtful. they really meant a lot to me.

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