• making this: contact papered tile

    OK now let me say one thing – I by no means think this looks awesome. I think it’s an improvement but for the first couple hours after I did this, I was like oh ok that’s hideous. It’s grown on me. You might think it looks hideous. And I guess I’m okay with that.

    One of the first things I hated when we moved into our house was the fireplace. I have no before pictures, but I immediately painted the brick white. Like the first morning I woke up here. It was this horrible 80s toned brick. I painted it white and was like OK COOL but that tile below it always haunted me. Now keep in mind, we rent. And I’ve spent way too much money on this rental already soĀ anything I can do to spend no real money and still hope to get our deposit back the better.

    So I bought some weird marbled contact paper at Rite Aid for $5.

    I covered the tile and cut the edges with an exacto. You can clearly see, it’s by no means perfect. It’s actually really really f*cking sloppy. But I am happy to report a friend was over the other day and didn’t realize it wasn’t real marble until she accidentally touched it and said whoa what is this? (I didn’t tell her about my brave DIY)

    The marble pattern is really heavy. At some point I might go over it with a white wash to lighten up the pattern but now that cats live here, those projects seem very unrealistic. (also, don’t mind that really obnoxious wire on the wall… that’s the only way we can watch TV without cable.)

    So… is it really ugly?

  • payday wishlist

    bookends / salad servers / pendleton blanket / tortoiseshell iphone case / sunglasses

  • adding some color

    My boyfriend says he is finally ok with us getting a white slipcover for our shitty couch! Due to our tiny tiny space for living, we had to get a tiny tiny couch. We bought the Karlstad from IkeaĀ in dark grey and because the couch is so tiny and the color is so dark, I’m thinking white would at least attempt to make it look roomier and taller. So I am permitted to now buy the white slipcover.

    What I really want is a Bemz custom cover for it with a skirt.

    I would even be ok covering the hacked legs I spent way more than an hour on!

    But spending $260 min versus $50 seems like a really bad idea. Maybe some day I can DIY a skirt and hate it.

    Anyway – I’ve had this incorporate more color into my home mission on my mind lately, and realized I have WAY too many beige pillows. Like I don’t even understand how I subconsciouslyĀ have only been buying beige pillows for years and I just now noticed this?!

    So naturally, I scoured the internet for new colorful options. My two concerns are that I have this boy that lives in the house with me and I know that every pillow I like, he will be like “no, that’s girly”. The other concern is spending any money on them at all. Considering some pillow DIYs in my white couched future. (which might be hard because I can’t sew.)

    clockwise from top left ( one / two / three / four / five / six )

  • making this: painted barrettes

    I feel like I buy hair clips and barrettes constantly at drugstores. Because I’m so bad at doing my own hair, maybe thisĀ particular hair clip purchase will solve everything. It never does! But my bathroom is filled with these. And if they could look that much cuter, why not?!

    NOW – the thing I forgot to do was to go into painting these with a plan. I got some brushes and craft paint and started painting… soon realizing I had pretty much just painted two of them and now they were just painted different colors (the middle barrette I had taped off for a color blocking). So I painted an ombre effect onto one, I fixed up the edge on the taped one with an exact-o, and the third barrette I decided to slice into a halfway point with the blade and cut the rest off. It worked perfectly!

    Is this how you even wear a barrette?!! No clue.

  • payday wishlist

    apple print / tea towel / iphone radio / tooth brushes / cashmere sweater / square ring


  • eating this: crab rolls

    The perfect thing to eat at the end of the summer when you’re really trying to hold on to the summer and you’re in total denial that soon enough, it will be dark when you drive home. UGH. Well I’m eating crab rolls all year. Except crab is super expensive, so we made this last for three meals – and yes, by day three, it was gross.

    Remember when I just said crab is expensive? Well I meant it. We got the quality stuff so maybe the less quality stuff is cheaper but the can we bought was $35! I totally lied when I said I’d eat this all the time!Ā By the way – this is unique for me, but I didn’t follow a recipe and I drank wine while I made it, so prepare to taste. The crab is very forgiving!

    New England Crab Rolls

    one can special crab meat
    half an avocado – mashed
    half an avocado – sliced
    1 cup mayo
    boston lettuce
    4 tablespoons scallions
    1 tsp tabasco sauce
    1 tb lemon zest
    the juice of 1/2 or the whole lemon (preference!)
    hot dog buns (hawaiian or potato are always best)
    butter or margarine (for the buns)

    In a large bowl, throw in the crab meat along with the mayo, scallions and lemon zest. Don’t mix it yet! Split the avocado and in a small bowl, mash up one half of it. Slice the other half and add both to the mix.

    Liberally butter the buns and cook them face down on a pan over medium-high heat for 5 minutes.

    Gently mix up the crab salad and add the lemon juice and tabasco to taste. Garnish on top of the living lettuce.

  • solvang, california

    We spent the weekend in Solvang for our friends wedding. Oh man – it’s pretty there! RIGHT?!

    We stayed in a motel that had a modern facelift and I was all for it. That’s a cute room. We also ate lunch at Julia Child’s favorite mexican spot in Santa Barbara, La Super-Rica Taqueria. Really really good. But don’t get the gordita. That wasn’t that good.

    We rode our motels bicycles up to see the mini horses but bailed midway through the ride. Then we drove there the next day.

    Oh and we went to that wedding I spoke of. It was beautiful and rustic (if you didn’t guess) and did I mention beautiful? Oh look – I made that sign!Ā Congrats to my friends Linda + Patrick.
    We aren’t traveling again anytime soon so I can finally watch way too much hbo go.

  • is going brunette a thing i could do?

    I’ve had blonde hair for a while now.Ā A bunch of years! And for a good chunk of that time, I’ve been kind of wanting a change. You know you think you want a change and then you do it and you’re like “oh SHIT“. I chopped off a good portion of my hair a year ago, and then I grew it back. So now it’s like it was before.

    Here’s a secret: I’m naturally brunette. I guess. I don’t really know what the natural color is anymore, but I’m assuming I wouldn’t have to have my hair done every 6 weeks. But what if you’re better blonde. What if you just can’t tell. What if you go brunette and then it looks awful and it takes so long to go back to blonde. What if you’re secretly like Kristen Wiig and your hair actually looks amazing brunette and you’re so much better that way? So many questions. I like to think about these things and not do them. Maybe I’ll do them sometime. After all, it is autumn soon… and brunettes love autumn or something? Is this something other blondes debate? And torture their mind over? Or vice versa?!!?!?!

    And when speaking of brunette, I cannot not mention my dream hair brunette idol/tv bff, Carole Radziwill.

    images from top: one / two / three / four / five

  • payday wishlist

    rope knot bracelet / lamp / jamie oliver cookbook / flats / rattan bin

  • hey we went to big bear

    Like I said already – camping is not the best time ever, in my opinion. But Big Bear is really pretty and we had this special campsite where it was just us, no other campers anywhere in sight. So we could be as obnoxious and cold as we wanted.

    Someone in the group rented an airstream trailer. So awesome.

    We slept in a tent. Did I tell you?

    The dogs of Big Bear were very cute and seemingly tired.

    Why yes – those areĀ our his and hers ameri-chairs.